Diagnostic Testing Of Power Cables

Cable test specification are validation of (galvanic) connection, correct assignment of the individual wires & a high voltage test to identify failures in the insulation of it. Also verification of electrical, electromechanical components & sub-assemblies in cable harness are conducted. We carry out various tests for precise assessment of MV/HV power cables and provide accurate analysis of them, ensuring the reliability of the system

On Line Testing

  • Partial Discharge Measurement And Localization

Partial discharge is best described as a failure of part of an insulation system to withstand the electrical field applied to it. This can be a result of poor design, poor workmanship, defective materials, contamination, or aging. The result of this failure is a high-frequency, unipolar discharge and accompanying current that flows through and on the insulation from the conductor to ground. This current pulse is low energy due to its short (microsecond) duration, but it can negatively affect the insulation and eventually cause catastrophic failure. Thus it is very crucial to perform a partial discharge measurement and localization test of the cable and as the name of the category says this test is conducted when the cable is up and running.

Off Line Testing

  • Capacitance And Tan Delta Measurement
  • Very Low Frequency (VLF) Testing
  • Partial Discharge Measurement And Localization
  • HV-DC Test
  • Insulation Resistance And Polarization Index Measurement

To ensure the optimal results various tests are conducted to obtain the numerous parameters like dielectric strength, voltage withstand capacity etc. these tests are to be done when the cables are offline as he name of the category says.

We undertake Preparation Of Cable Schedule, Laying And Termination. ( Upto 765kV )

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